
Wio Terminal Displaying photos


This example demonstrates how to display images from SD card in loop.


  • Looping through photos

Arduino libraries needed

  • Install the LCD screen library Seeed_Arduino_LCD, please visit Wio Terminal Overview for more information.

  • Install the SD Card library Seeed_Arduino_FS, Please visit Seeed-Arduino-FS for more information.

  • Install the RawImage.h library, Please visit Loading Images for more information.

Arduino Instructions

  1. Download the displayPhotos.ino and RawImage.h file and upload to your Wio Terminal through Arduino IDE. Make sure you installed all the libraries.

  2. Drag the photos file and save the entire file in the SD card.

  3. You should see Image starts looping!


#include "Seeed_FS.h" //Including SD card library
#include"RawImage.h" //Including image processing library
TFT_eSPI tft;

void setup() {
//Initialise SD card
while (1);
//Initialise LCD screen

//storing the names of photos
const char* list[] = {"photos/1.bmp", "photos/2.bmp", "photos/3.bmp", "photos/4.bmp"};

void loop() {
for (uint8_t cnt = 0; cnt < 4; cnt++) {
drawImage<uint16_t>(list[cnt],0,0); //dispalying images one by one

Wio Terminal Displaying photos with Button


This example is similar to the above, but instead built-in buttons are used to change the displaying images!


  • Left-Button: Previous Image

  • Right-Button: Next Image

Arduino libraries needed

  • Install the LCD screen library Seeed_Arduino_LCD, please visit Wio Terminal Overview for more information.

  • Install the SD Card library Seeed_Arduino_FS, Please visit Seeed-Arduino-FS for more information.

  • Install the RawImage.h library, Please visit Loading Images for more information.

Arduino Instructions

  1. Download the displayPhotos_buttons.ino and RawImage.h file and upload to your Wio Terminal through Adruino IDE. Make sure you installed all the libraries.

  2. Drag the photos file and save the entire file in the SD card.

  3. Press the left button to scroll left and press right button to scroll right!


  • To intialise Buttons
void setup() {
pinMode(BUTTON_1, INPUT); //left button
pinMode(BUTTON_3, INPUT); //right button

Complete Code

#include "Seeed_FS.h" //Including SD card library
#include"RawImage.h" //Including image processing library
TFT_eSPI tft;

bool left_flag = false;
void button_handler_left() {
left_flag = true;

bool right_flag = false;
void button_handler_right() {
right_flag = true;

void setup() {
//Initialise SD card
if (!SD.begin(SDCARD_SS_PIN, SDCARD_SPI,16000000)) {
while (1);

pinMode(BUTTON_1, INPUT);
pinMode(BUTTON_3, INPUT);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(BUTTON_1), button_handler_left, FALLING);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(BUTTON_3), button_handler_right, FALLING);


const char* list[] = {"1.bmp", "2.bmp", "3.bmp", "4.bmp"};
int8_t cnt = 0;

void loop() {
if (left_flag) {
left_flag = false;
if (cnt == 4) {
cnt = 0;
if (right_flag) {
right_flag = false;
if (cnt < 0) {
cnt = 3;
drawImage<uint16_t>(list[cnt], 0, 0);
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