
reComputer for Jetson Series Introduction


reComputer for Jetson series are compact edge computers built with NVIDIA advanced AI embedded systems: reComputer J10 (Nano) and reComputer J20 (Xavier NX). With rich extension modules, industrial peripherals, thermal management combined with decades of Seeed’s hardware expertise, reComputer for Jetson is ready to help you accelerate and scale the next-gen AI product emerging in diverse AI scenarios.

The series is compatible with NVIDIA Jetson software stack, cloud-native workflows, industry-leading AI frameworks, helping deliver seamless AI integration. Currently, we have launched four of them as shown below:

ProductreComputer J1010reComputer J1020reComputer J2011reComputer J2012
Side View
Equipped ModuleJetson Nano 4GBJetson Nano 4GBJetson Xavier NX 8GBJetson Xavier NX 16GB
Operating carrier BoardJ1010 Carrier BoardJetson A206Jetson A206Jetson A206
Power InterfaceType-C connectorDC power adapterDC power adapterDC power adapter

Interface Details

The current 4 reComputer products have the same appearance, the difference lies in the interface on the back. reComputer J1010 uses one interface combination, and the other three use the same other interface combination because there are two different carrier boards used in the chassis.

J1010 carrier board

This carrier board is suitable for reComputer J1010.


DCIN(Type-C interface)Power supply only
1x USB 3.0 Type-A port
2x USB 2.0 Type-A ports
USB Type-C portData transmitted only

Jetson A206 carrier board

This carrier board is for reComputer J1020, reComputer J2011, and reComputer J2012.


DCIN(circular interface)Power supply only
4x USB 3.0 Type-A ports
Micro-B portData transmitted only

What's in the box

Before powering up and starting up, you need to make all the checks and preparations for the first turn on of the reComputer. Unpack the product you received and check that the contents of the package are complete according to the product model you purchased.

reComputer J1010


The list of box included:

  • reComputer J1010, including:
    • 4G Jetson Nano module1 x1
    • J1010 carrier board x1

Accessories not included but required to power on:

  • USB Keyboard and mouse
  • Display screen
  • Type-C power cable and power supply
There will be no Type-C power cable and power supply included in the product.

reComputer J1020


The list of box included:

  • reComputer J1020, including:
    • 4G Jetson Nano module1 x1
    • Jetson A206 carrier board x1
  • 12V/2A Power adapter (with 5 interchangeable adapter plugs) x1

Accessories not included but required to power on:

  • USB Keyboard and mouse
  • Display screen

There will be 5 selectable power adapter for you. Type-C power cable and power supply included in the product. Hence, you can choose the one that is right for your country or region to power the reComputer without having to any additional power supply perchasing.

reComputer J2011


The list of box included:

  • reComputer Jetson J2011, including:
    • 8G Jetson Xavier NX module x1
    • Jetson A206 carrier board x1
  • 19V/4.74A (MAX 90W) Power adapter (without power supply cable) x1

Accessories not included but required to power on:

  • USB Keyboard and mouse
  • Display screen
  • Adapter power supply cable

Please match the power supply cable for the power adapter according to your local power plug standard.

reComputer J2012



The list of box included:

  • reComputer J2012, including:
    • 16G Jetson Xavier NX module x1
    • Jetson A206 carrier board x1
  • 19V/4.74A (MAX 90W) Power adapter (without power supply cable) x1

Accessories not included but required to power on:

  • USB Keyboard and mouse
  • Display screen
  • Adapter power supply cable

Please match the power supply cable for the power adapter according to your local power plug standard.

What‘s More

We here present you more complete tables about NVIDIA® Oetson Module Powered Devices Comparison and NVIDIA® Jetson Module Compatible Carrier Boards Comparison. You can click the image or the title for a better look.

NVIDIA® Oetson Module Powered Devices Comparison


NVIDIA® Jetson Module Compatible Carrier Boards Comparison



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