
GPIO and Grove for reComputer Jetson

Jetson Extensions

The GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) ports are located on the top edge of the Jetson carrier board. It looks like two long rows of metal pins where you can attach functioning ports like LEDs and switches to the board for control under a program you create. These pins can be used for input and output.

The figure below is the pin description of the 40-pin GPIO on the Jetson-10-1-A carrier board.


You might want to check out the details about expansion pins and learn how to configure them, in the Configuring Jetson Expansion Header documentation of the NVIDIA Jetson Linux Developer Guide, you'll learn how to operate Jetson-IO and add support for custom hardware.

Connect Jetson to Grvoe System

Grove is an open source, modulated, ready-to-use toolset which applies the building block method to assemble electronics. Grove significantly simplifies learning and usage compared to traditional complex learning methods using breadboards and various electronic components to assemble projects.

Creating More AI Possibilities with Grove PiHAT and NVIDIA Jetson Nano


If you want to apply Grove Sensors into the Jetson Nano, the best way is acquiring the grove.py and Python libraies which will help you get started with your projects in serval minutes! Click here for more information.

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