

This repo describes how to draw histogram on Wio Terminal. Similar to the Line Charts library, you can use this to display raw sensor values to visualize readings on screen. This library is very flexible and can modify to your own need.

Libraries Installation

Installing Histogram Libraries

  • Visit Seeed_Arduino_Histogram and download the entire repo to your local drive.

  • Now, the library can be installed to the Arduino IDE. Open the Arduino IDE, and click sketch -> Include Library -> Add .ZIP Library, and choose the Seeed_Arduino_Histogram file that you've have just downloaded.


Getting Started

To Initialize for drawing Histogram

Include the Histogram library and initialize the histogram as follow:

#include <TFT_eSPI.h> // Hardware-specific library
#include <SPI.h>

TFT_Histogram histogram=TFT_Histogram(); //Initializing Histogram
TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI(); //Initializing TFT

void setup(void) {

Creating Columns in Histogram

To create columns in histogram:

void formHistogram(String label,int NO,double Histogram_value,int Histogram_WIDTH,uint32_t colour);

where label is the column name under its column , NO is the number tag of the histogram column, Histogram_value is the value of histogram column, Histogram_WIDTH is the width of the histogram column and colour is the colour of histogram column colour.

To Show Histogram

To show the Histogram:

void showHistogram();

Changing the Column values

To change the values of existed columns:

void changeParam(uint8_t NO, String lable, float Histogram_value, uint32_t colour);

where NO refers back to the number tag of the histogram column(which column to change).

Deleting a Column

To delete a column from histogram:

void deleteCylinder(uint8_t NO);

where NO refers to the number tag of histogram column.

Adding Line Chart to Histogram

Adding line chart:

void lineChart(uint32_t colour);

where color is the colour of the line chart.

Hiding the Axis of Histogram

void notShowAxis();

Others useful functions

For more other useful functions of the histogram library, please refer to the Histogram.h. Further, it also provides sets of examples as well as a full function demo that can be found in the examples folder.

Example Code

#include <TFT_eSPI.h> //Hardware-specific library
#include <SPI.h>
#include"Histogram.h" //include histogram library

TFT_Histogram histogram=TFT_Histogram(); //Initializing tft and histogram
TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI();

void setup() {
histogram.formHistogram("a",1,50.55,40,TFT_RED); //Column 1
histogram.formHistogram("b",2,20,40,TFT_BLACK); //Column 2
histogram.formHistogram("c",3,100,50,TFT_GREEN); //Column 3
histogram.formHistogram("d",4,53,50,TFT_BLUE); //Column 4
histogram.formHistogram("e",5,133,30,TFT_YELLOW); //Column 5
histogram.formHistogram("f",6,53,50,TFT_ORANGE); //Column 6
histogram.formHistogram("g",7,80,50,TFT_PINK); //Column 7

histogram.showHistogram(); //show histogram

histogram.changeParam(6,"F",55,TFT_PINK);//change column 6
histogram.deleteCylinder(7);//delete colum 7

histogram.notShowAxis();//hiding the axis of histogram
void loop() {


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