SPI Communication on Seeed Studio XIAO SAMD21
SPI Communication Interface
Materials required
Type-C cable x1
Hardware Connection
Step 1. Grove-High Precision pressure Sensor's CSK is connected to Seeed Studio XIAO 's SCK.
Step 2. Sensor's CS is connected to Seeed Studio XIAO 's D3.
Step 3. Sensor's SDO is connected to Seeed Studio XIAO 's MISO.
Step 4. Sensor's SDI is connected to Seeed Studio XIAO 's MOSI.
Step 5. Sensor's GND is connected to Seeed Studio XIAO 's GND.
Step 6. Sensor's 3V3 is connected to Seeed Studio XIAO 's 3.3V.
Step 7. Connect Seeed Studio XIAO to PC via a Type-C cable.
If this is the first time you work with Arduino, we strongly recommend you to see Getting Started with Arduino before the start.
Step 1. Download the DPS310-Pressure-Sensor Library from Github.
Step 2. Refer to How to install library to install library for Arduino.
Step 3. Copy the code into Arduino IDE and upload.
#include <Dps310.h>
// Dps310 Opject
Dps310 Dps310PressureSensor = Dps310();
void setup()
//pin number of your slave select line
int16_t pin_cs = 3;
//for XMC 1100 Bootkit & XMC4700 Relax Kit uncomment the following line
//int16_t pin_cs = 10;
while (!Serial);
//Call begin to initialize Dps310
//The parameter pin_nr is the number of the CS pin on your Microcontroller
Dps310PressureSensor.begin(SPI, pin_cs);
//temperature measure rate (value from 0 to 7)
//2^temp_mr temperature measurement results per second
int16_t temp_mr = 2;
//temperature oversampling rate (value from 0 to 7)
//2^temp_osr internal temperature measurements per result
//A higher value increases precision
int16_t temp_osr = 2;
//pressure measure rate (value from 0 to 7)
//2^prs_mr pressure measurement results per second
int16_t prs_mr = 2;
//pressure oversampling rate (value from 0 to 7)
//2^prs_osr internal pressure measurements per result
//A higher value increases precision
int16_t prs_osr = 2;
//startMeasureBothCont enables background mode
//temperature and pressure ar measured automatically
//High precision and hgh measure rates at the same time are not available.
//Consult Datasheet (or trial and error) for more information
int16_t ret = Dps310PressureSensor.startMeasureBothCont(temp_mr, temp_osr, prs_mr, prs_osr);
//Use one of the commented lines below instead to measure only temperature or pressure
//int16_t ret = Dps310PressureSensor.startMeasureTempCont(temp_mr, temp_osr);
//int16_t ret = Dps310PressureSensor.startMeasurePressureCont(prs_mr, prs_osr);
if (ret != 0)
Serial.print("Init FAILED! ret = ");
Serial.println("Init complete!");
void loop()
uint8_t pressureCount = 20;
float pressure[pressureCount];
uint8_t temperatureCount = 20;
float temperature[temperatureCount];
//This function writes the results of continuous measurements to the arrays given as parameters
//The parameters temperatureCount and pressureCount should hold the sizes of the arrays temperature and pressure when the function is called
//After the end of the function, temperatureCount and pressureCount hold the numbers of values written to the arrays
//Note: The Dps310 cannot save more than 32 results. When its result buffer is full, it won't save any new measurement results
int16_t ret = Dps310PressureSensor.getContResults(temperature, temperatureCount, pressure, pressureCount);
if (ret != 0)
Serial.print("FAIL! ret = ");
Serial.println(" temperature values found: ");
for (int16_t i = 0; i < temperatureCount; i++)
Serial.println(" degrees of Celsius");
Serial.println(" pressure values found: ");
for (int16_t i = 0; i < pressureCount; i++)
Serial.println(" Pascal");
//Wait some time, so that the Dps310 can refill its buffer
- Step 4. Click Tools > Serial Monitor , or press Ctrl+Shift+M together, open the serial monitor after uploading successfully, the output appears as follows: