
Grove - Relay

The Grove-Relay module is a digital normally-open switch. Through it, you can control circuit of high voltage with low voltage, say 5V on the controller. There is an indicator LED on the board, which will light up when the controlled terminals get closed.


Product Release Date27th Jan 20139th June 2014
Operating Voltage5V3.3V~5V
Operating Current60mA100mA
Relay Life100,000 Cycle100,000 Cycle
Max Switching Voltage250VAC/30VDC250VAC/30VDC
Max Switching Current5A5A
More details about Grove modules please refer to [Grove System](https://wiki.seeedstudio.com/Grove_System/)

Platforms Supported

ArduinoRaspberry Pi
The platforms mentioned above as supported is/are an indication of the module's software or theoritical compatibility. We only provide software library or code examples for Arduino platform in most cases. It is not possible to provide software library / demo code for all possible MCU platforms. Hence, users have to write their own software library.

Getting Started

Play With Arduino

If this is the first time you work with Arduino, we strongly recommend you to see [Getting Started with Arduino](https://wiki.seeedstudio.com/Getting_Started_with_Arduino/) before the start.

Materials required

Seeeduino V4.2Base ShieldGrove-Button x2Grove-Relay
enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here
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**1** Please plug the USB cable gently, otherwise you may damage the port. Please use the USB cable with 4 wires inside, the 2 wires cable can't transfer data. If you are not sure about the wire you have, you can click [here](https://www.seeedstudio.com/Micro-USB-Cable-48cm-p-1475.html) to buy

**2** Each Grove module comes with a Grove cable when you buy. In case you lose the Grove cable, you can click [here](https://www.seeedstudio.com/Grove-Universal-4-Pin-Buckled-20cm-Cable-%285-PCs-pack%29-p-936.html) to buy


  • Step 1. Connect Grove-Relay to port D4 of Grove-Base Shield.

  • Step 2. Connect Grove-Button#1 to port D2 of Grove-Base Shield, Connect Grove-Button#2 to port D3 of Grove-Base Shield.

  • Step 3. Plug Grove - Base Shield into Seeeduino.

  • Step 4. Connect Seeeduino to PC via a Micro-USB cable.

enter image description here

If we don't have the base shield, we also can directly connect the Grove-Relay and Grove-Button to Arduino board. Please follow below connection.
Grove-RelayArduinoGrove Cable
Grove-Button#1ArduinoGrove Cable
Grove-Button#2ArduinoGrove Cable


Here is a demo that shows you how to control a Grove - Relay with a Grove - Button. When one button gets pressed, the relay will close. When the other button gets pressed, the relay will open.

  • Step 1. Open the Arduino IDE and copy the following code into a new sketch.
// Relay Control

void setup()
pinMode(2, INPUT);
pinMode(3, INPUT);
pinMode(4, OUTPUT);

void loop()
if (digitalRead(2)==HIGH)
digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
if (digitalRead(3)==HIGH)
digitalWrite(4, LOW);

  • Step 2. Upload the demo. If you do not know how to upload the code, please check How to upload code.

Done uploading, if you press the button#1 the relay should be on; and if you press the button#2 the relay should be off.

Play with Codecraft


Step 1. Connect a Grove - Relay to port D4, connect two Grove - Button to port D2 and port D3 of a Base Shield.

Step 2. Plug the Base Shield to your Seeeduino/Arduino.

Step 3. Link Seeeduino/Arduino to your PC via an USB cable.


Step 1. Open Codecraft, add Arduino support, and drag a main procedure to working area.

If this is your first time using Codecraft, see also [Guide for Codecraft using Arduino](https://wiki.seeedstudio.com/Guide_for_Codecraft_using_Arduino/).

Step 2. Drag blocks as picture below or open the cdc file which can be downloaded at the end of this page.


Upload the program to your Arduino/Seeeduino.

When the code finishes uploaded. Relay will turns on when you push the button connected to port D2, and it will turns off when you push the button connected to port D3.

Play With Raspberry Pi (With Grove Base Hat for Raspberry Pi)


  • Step 1. Things used in this project:
Raspberry piGrove Base Hat for RasPiGrove - Relay
enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here
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  • Step 2. Plug the Grove Base Hat into Raspberry.
  • Step 3. Connect the Grove - Relay to port 12 of the Base Hat.
  • Step 4. Connect the Raspberry Pi to PC through USB cable.

For step 3 you are able to connect the relay module to **any GPIO Port** but make sure you change the command with the corresponding port number.


 If you are using **Raspberry Pi with Raspberrypi OS >= Bullseye**, you have to use this command line **only with Python3**.
  • Step 1. Follow Setting Software to configure the development environment.
  • Step 2. Download the source file by cloning the grove.py library.
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/Seeed-Studio/grove.py

  • Step 3. Excute below commands to run the code.
cd grove.py/grove
python3 grove_relay.py 12

Following is the grove_relay.py code.

from grove.gpio import GPIO

class GroveRelay(GPIO):
def __init__(self, pin):
super(GroveRelay, self).__init__(pin, GPIO.OUT)

def on(self):

def off(self):

Grove = GroveRelay

def main():
import sys
import time

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print('Usage: {} pin'.format(sys.argv[0]))

relay = GroveRelay(int(sys.argv[1]))

while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:

if __name__ == '__main__':

If everything goes well, you will be able to see the LED indicator blinking.

You can quit this program by simply press ++ctrl+c++.

Play With Raspberry Pi (with GrovePi_Plus)


Materials required

Raspberry piGrovePi_PlusGrove-ButtonGrove-Relay
enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here
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  • Step 1. Plug the GrovePi_Plus into Raspberry.

  • Step 2. Connect the Grove-Relay to D4 port of GrovePi_Plus.

  • Step 3. Connect the Grove-Button to D3 port of GrovePi_Plus.

  • Step 4. Connect the Raspberry to PC via USB cable.

enter image description here


If this is the first time you use GrovePi, please do this part step by step. If you are an old friend with GrovePi, you can skip Step1 and Step2.

  • Step 1. Setting Up The Software. In the command line, type the following commands:
 If you are using **Raspberry Pi with Raspberrypi OS >= Bullseye**, you **cannot use this command line**.
sudo curl -kL dexterindustries.com/update_grovepi | bash

sudo reboot
cd /home/pi/Desktop
git clone https://github.com/DexterInd/GrovePi.git

For more detail about this part, please refer to Setting Software.

We firmly suggest you to update the firmware, or for some sensors you may get errors.
  • Step 3. Run the following command to get the result.
 If you are using **Raspberry Pi with Raspberrypi OS >= Bullseye**, you have to use this command line **only with Python3**.
cd /home/pi/Desktop/GrovePi/Software/Python/
sudo python3 grove_switch_relay.py

If you want to check the code, you can use the following command:

sudo nano grove_switch_relay.py

The code :

# Raspberry Pi + Grove Switch + Grove Relay

import time
import grovepi
# Connect the Grove Switch to digital port D3

switch = 3
# Connect the Grove Relay to digital port D4

relay = 4
while True:
if grovepi.digitalRead(switch):
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except IOError:
print "Error"

Play With TI LaunchPad

Controlling other electronics (Relay)

enter image description here

This example shows how to use the Grove-relay module to control larger load, i.e. a desk lamp light. A 3V voltage signal can cause the relay to switch on, allowing current to flow through the connected appliance.

The basic Energia example.
This example code is in the public domain.

#define RELAY_PIN 39

// the setup routine runs once when you press reset:
void setup() {
pinMode(RELAY_PIN, OUTPUT); // initialize the digital pin as an output.

// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop() {
digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, HIGH); // turn the relay on (HIGH is the voltage level)
delay(1000); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, LOW); // turn the relay o by making the voltage LOW
delay(1000); // wait for a second

Schematic Online Viewer

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Relay Grove module:

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