
Getting Started with Allxon on NVIDIA® Jetson Devices


Allxon is an essential edge device management solution that simplifies and optimizes business operations management by bonding together the AI/IoT ecosystem: hardware (IHV), software (ISV), and service providers (SI/MSP). As an ecosystem bonder, Allxon is the spark that ignites fast, seamless connectivity to keep all systems ON.

You can securely manage NVIDIA® JetPack 4.6 onward versions with Cyber Security at the Edge protecting all networks and hardware. Allxon integrates exclusive threat intelligence by Trend Micro IoT Security™ (TMIS) to ensure you receive multi-layered protection.

Allxon brings in-band and out-of-band remote device management services to all edge devices to help businesses save on time and cut out exponential labor costs. By simply navigating on an easy-to-use single cloud portal, businesses can effortlessly optimize and streamline their services.

Hardware Supported

Allxon is supported by the following hardware

If you own any of the above hardware, you can proceed to installing Allxon on your hardware.


  • Any of the above Jetson Devices
  • Latest Jetson OS already installed on the Jetson Device
  • Monitor, keyboard, mouse (optional)

Getting Started

Getting started with Allxon only takes a couple of minutes!

  • Sign Up for Allxon Account
  • Install Allxon DMS Agent on Jetson Device
  • Get Device Pairing Code
  • Add Jetson Device to Allxon DMS Portal

Sign Up for Allxon Account

  • Step 1. Visit this page to sign up for an Allxon account

  • Step 2. Enter your email address and proceed

  • Step 3. Verify the account from the activation email you receive and create a password

Install Allxon DMS Agent on Jetson Device

Installing Allxon DMS Agent is a very easy process. You only need to execute one command!

  • Step 1. Access the Jetson Device, open terminal and execute the following
sudo wget -qO - "https://get.allxon.net/linux/standard" | sudo bash -s


Note: The above command will install Allxon DMS Agent and the related packages

  • Step 2. At the end of the installation, it will ask whether you want to install Trend Micro IoT Security™ as an add-on edge security services and agree to the TMIS EULA. You can enter Y to proceed with this installation


Note: Trend Micro IoT Security™ will be installed as a 3-month free trial

After installation, The Allxon DMS Agent will start automatically.

Note: If you have connected the Jetson Device to a display, you will see Allxon DMS Agent window pop up. If it does not show up, press Ctrl + Shift + B to start the agent.

Get Device Pairing Code

First we need to get a device pairting code from our Jetson Device. You can either obtain this code from the GUI or command-line

Using GUI

  • Step 1. Open Allxon DMS Agent by pressing Ctrl + Shift + B on the Jetson Device

  • Step 2. Click Get device pairing code to obtain the code


Using Command-line

  • Step 1. Execute the following to obtain the code

Add Jetson Device to Allxon DMS Portal

  • Step 1. Login to Allxon DMS Portal with the previosly used credentials

  • Step 2. Click Devices from the left navigation panel and click on + Add Device


  • Step 3. Click Next, enter previously obtained device pairing code and click Next


  • Step 4. You will see the following window if the pairing is successful


Note: If you have a promotion code, you can click Next and redeem it. Otherwise, you can press Skip to finish the setup.

Allxon DMS Portal

After that Jetson Device is paired with Allxon DMS Portal, you will see the connected device under Devices page


If you click on the device, you will see more information for your device. Now you can remotely monitor and manage your device with Allxon DMS Portal!



Tech Support

Please submit any technical issue into our forum.

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