
Base Shield V2


Arduino Uno is the most popular Arduino board so far, however it is sometimes frustrating when your project requires a lot of sensors or Leds and your jumper wires are in a mess. The purpose of creating the Base Shield is to help you get rid of bread board and jumper wires. With the rich grove connectors on the base board, you can add all the grove modules to the Arduino Uno conveniently! The pinout of Base Shield V2 is the same as Arduino Uno R3.


Product Version


Released Date

Base Shield V1.2


Oct 2011

Base Shield V1.3

Change the Grove connector layout and quantity

Aug 2012

Base Shield V2.0

Change the Grove connector layout and quantity, as well as a power switch to enable both 3.3V and 5V.

Mar 2014




Operating voltage


Operation Temperature

-25℃ to +85℃

Analog Ports


Digital Ports


UART Ports


I2C Ports



69mm x53mm

Compatible Boards

The Base Shield is tested and fully compatible with following boards:

  • Arduino Uno(all revisions)/Seeeduino(V4&V4.2)
  • Arduino Mega/Seeeduino Mega
  • Arduino Zero(M0)/Seeeduino Lorawan
  • Arduino Leonardo/Seeeduino Lite
  • Arduino 101
  • Arduino Due 3.3V
  • Intel Edison 5V
  • Linkit One

The boards are not listed above mean that it might have chance to work with the platform board however requires extra work such as jump wires or rewriting the code. If you are interested in digging more, welcome to contact us via forum.

Hardware Overview


  • 1-Analog Ports: include 4 anlog ports, A0, A1, A2 and A3.
  • 2-Digital Ports: include 7 digital ports, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7 and D8.
  • 3-UART Port: 1 UART port.
  • 4-I2C Ports: 4 I2C ports.
  • 5-Power Switch: when using Arduino UNO with Base Shield v2, please turn the switch to 5v position; While using Seeeduino Arch with Base Shield v2, please turn the switch to 3.3v.
  • 6-Reset Buton: reset the arduino board.
  • 7-PWR LED:The Green LED turns on when power on.
  • 8-P1, P2:please solder the pads P1 and P2, if use Base Shield v2 with Seeeduino V3.
  • Dimension: 2.1 * 2.7 inch

Getting Started


  • Step 1. Prepare the below stuffs:

Seeeduino V4.2

Base Shield

Grove - Buzzer

Grove - Button





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  • Step 2. Connect Grove - Buzzer to port D3 of Base Shield.
  • Step 3. Connect Grove - Button to port D2 of Base Shield.
  • Step 4. Plug Base Shield into Seeeduino.
  • Step 5. Connect Seeeduino to PC through a USB cable.



  • Step 1. Copy below code to Arduino IDE and upload to Seeeduino.
const int button = 2;       // connect a button
const int buzzer = 3; // connect a buzzer
void setup()
pinMode(button, INPUT); //set button as an INPUT device
pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT); //set LED as an OUTPUT device
void loop()
int btn = digitalRead(button); //read the status of the button
digitalWrite(buzzer, btn);
  • Step 2. Press the button and we will hear the buzzer.


Please click here to see all Base Shield V2 FAQs.

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