

The BLE Bee is a Bluetooth Smart enabled XBEE form factor module based on HM-11 module. The BLE Bee can be used in hardware setups, where normally an XBEE module is used. Using a BLE Bee an XBee socket enabled embedded system can communicate with desktop computers, smartphones, table computers and even other embedded systems providing Bluetooth Smart aka Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).


  • Compatible XBee shape

  • Bluetooth protocol: Bluetooth Specification V4.0 BLE

  • Working frequency: 2.4 GHz ISM band

  • Interface way: a serial port

  • Open environment within 30 meters can realize communication between modules

  • To send and receive no byte limit between modules

  • Modulation method: GFSK (Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying)

  • Transmission power: - DBM, 23-6 DBM, 0 DBM, 6 DBM, can be modified by the AT command

  • use TI CC2540 chip, configuration space of 256 KB, support the AT command, the user can according to need to change the role (master, slave mode) and the serial port baud rate, name of equipment, matching parameters such as passwords, use agile.

  • power supply: + 3.3 VDC 50 mA

  • working temperature: - 5 ~ + 65 Centigrade


ResourcesSupport the AT command, the user can according to need to change the role (master, slave mode) and the serial port baud rate,name of equipment,Matching parameters such as password, the use of flexible.
PCB size24.5mmx30.5mmx0.8mm
Outline Dimension24.5mmx30.5mmx9.77mm
Power supply3.3V
Communication ProtocolUart(TTL)
IO counts2
Key input IO1
LED Indicators IO1
ConnectivitySocket compatible with XBee

Electrical Characteristics

Max Input Voltage-0.33.6V
Working Input Voltage2.03.33.6V
Transmit Current15mA
Receive Current8.5mA
Deep Sleep Current600uA
Operating Temperature-40125°C

Pin definition

Note: Only important alternate functions are listed, may have more, please refer to datasheet.


  • Plug Seeed BLE Shield onto the Arduino/Seeeduino directly. Please pay attention to the position of jumpers on the XBee Shield.

  • Hard or Softserial port: You can choose two of seven digital pins as the communication channel. Just plug the jumpers into the headers.

  • Signal lamp: Lamp will blink if no one connect BLE, but the lamp would keep lighting after BLE has been connected.

AT commands & Configuration

1) Query the native MAC address

Send: AT + ADDR?

Send after a successful return: OK + LADD: MAC address (address for 12 string)

2) Query the baud rate

Send: AT+BAUD?

Send after a successful return: OK + Get: [para1]

Scope of para1:0 ~ 8. The parameters corresponding to: 0 represents 9600, 1, 2, 9600, 38400, on behalf of the representative representative of 57600, 115200, 5, 4800, 6, 7 represents 1200, 1200 2400. The default baud rate to 9600.

3) Set the baud rate

Send: AT+BAUD[para1]

Send after a successful return: OK+Set:[para1]

Example: send: AT + BAUD1, return: OK + Set: 2.The baud rate is set to 19200.

Note: after the switch to the 1200, module will no longer support the configurations of the AT command, and press the PIO0 under standby, module can restore the factory Settings.Do not recommend using the baud rate.After setting the baud rate, modules should be on electricity, anew set parameters can take effect.

4) from the device connected to the bluetooth address specified

Send: AT+CON[para1]

Send after a successful return: OK+CONN[para2]

Para2 range is: A, E, F

Example: from the bluetooth address is: 0017EA0943AE, sending the AT + CON0017EA0943AE, module returns: OK + CONNA or OK + + CONNF CONNE or OK.

5) removal equipment matching information

Send: AT + CLEAR

Send after a successful return: OK + CLEAR

Clear success had connected device address code information.

6) query module working mode

Send: AT + MODE?

Send after a successful return: OK + Get: [para]

Para: the range of 0 ~ 2. 0 represents passthrough mode, on behalf of the PIO acquisition + remote control + 1 passthrough, 2 representative passthrough + remote control mode.The default is 0.

7) set module working mode:

Send: AT + MODE []

Send after a successful return: OK + Set: [para]

8) query device name

Send: AT + NAME?

Send after a successful return: OK + NAME [para1]

9) set the device name

Send: AT + NAME [para1]

Send after a successful return: OK + Set: [para1]

Example: Set the device name to Seeed, sending the AT + NAMESeeed, return OK + Set: Seeed AT this time, the name of the bluetooth module has been changed to Seeed. Note: after the instruction execution, required to electricity, set the parameters of the approval.

10) query matching password

Send: AT + PASS?

Send after a successful return: OK + PASS: [para1]

Para1 range is 000000 ~ 999999, the default is 000000.

11) pairing set password

Send the AT + PASS [para1]

Send after a successful return: OK + Set: [para1]

12) restore factory Settings

The AT + RENEW send

Send after a successful return: OK + RENEW

Restore the default factory Settings module, the module Settings will be reset so, back to the factory with the status of the factory default, delay module 500 ms after the restart.If no need, please be careful.

13) module reset

Send: AT + RESET

Send after a successful return: OK + RESET

After the instruction execution module will delay 500 ms after the restart.

14) set the master-slave mode

Send: AT + ROLE [para1]

Send after a successful return: OK + Set: [para1]

More information about the AT Commands please refer to the data sheet of BLE module. You can download it from the Resource space.

SoftwareSerial Communication

BLE Bee can be acted as a master or slave, you can use the one via different demos.If you are going to use the following SoftwareSerial program, please refer to the way of connection in the previous pic. BLE_TX-->D2, BLE_RX-->D3.

Open Arduino IDE, copy the following program and upload it onto the Arduino/Seeeduino board. And then two BLE Shields can communicate with each other.

Demo : BLE Slave

#include <SoftwareSerial.h> //Software Serial Port
#define RxD 2
#define TxD 3


SoftwareSerial BLE(RxD,TxD);

void setup()
pinMode(RxD, INPUT);
pinMode(TxD, OUTPUT);


void loop()
char recvChar;
if(BLE.available()){//check if there's any data sent from the remote BLE shield
recvChar = BLE.read();
if(Serial.available()){//check if there's any data sent from the local serial terminal, you can add the other applications here
recvChar = Serial.read();

void setupBleConnection()
BLE.begin(9600); //Set BLE BaudRate to default baud rate 9600
BLE.print("AT+CLEAR"); //clear all previous setting
BLE.print("AT+ROLE0"); //set the bluetooth name as a slaver
BLE.print("AT+SAVE1"); //don't save the connect information

Demo : BLE Master

#include <SoftwareSerial.h> //Software Serial Port
#define RxD 2
#define TxD 3


SoftwareSerial BLE(RxD,TxD);

void setup()
pinMode(RxD, INPUT);
pinMode(TxD, OUTPUT);


void loop()
char recvChar;
if(BLE.available()){//check if there's any data sent from the remote BLE shield
recvChar = BLE.read();
if(Serial.available()){//check if there's any data sent from the local serial terminal, you can add the other applications here
recvChar = Serial.read();

void setupBleConnection()
BLE.begin(9600); //Set BLE BaudRate to default baud rate 9600
BLE.print("AT+CLEAR"); //clear all previous setting
BLE.print("AT+ROLE1"); //set the bluetooth name as a master
BLE.print("AT+SAVE1"); //don't save the connect information

HardwareSerial Communication

Besides, you can use BLE Shield via AT commands without any program, but you need to change the positions of two jumpers. BLE_TX-->D1, BLE_RX-->D0.

Then open a Serial Port Tool, like CoolTerm or others.The following are some settings : Baudrate: 9600(default) , Data Bits: 8, Parity: none, Stop Bits: 1.

First, you can send a(some) "AT" command(s) to BLE Shield to have a test. If it returns an "OK", then you can do the following steps. If not, you can upload a blank program to Arduino/Seeeduino, and see whether you can get response from Serial Port Tool via the previous operation.

void setup()

void loop()

Then, send an "AT+ROLE0" command to BLE Shield; it will return an "OK+Set:0", which means now the BLE Shield is ready to act as a slave.

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Tech Support

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