
Grove Cape for BeagleBone® Series

A true open hardware ,BeagleBone® Series is credit-card-sized Linux computer that connects to the Internet and runs software such as Android 4.0 and Ubuntu. With plenty of I/O and processing power for real-time analysis provided by an AM335x 720MHz ARM® processor, BeagleBone® can be complemented with cape plug-in boards to augment functionality.

And this Grove - Grove Cape for BeagleBone® Series is an expansion board for BeagleBone® Series to work with abundant Grove resources. There are 6 ready Grove sockets on the board covering functions like UART, I2C and ADC. And in this way, all Grove Modules are accessible for the BeagleBone® board. Wanna make some projects with BeagleBone® and need some sensors or display? This Grove - Grove Cape for BeagleBone® Series can bring you this convenience.


  • Voltage:3.3~5V
  • Current:<0.5uA
  • Dimension:69.9X54.8X17.5 mm
  • Digital I/o port voltage protection
  • Digital allows maximum input voltage 5V
  • Analog input by partial pressure resistance , Ratio of 1.8/5
  • Analog port allows maximum input voltage 5V


J1,J5: can be used for I2C.

J2,J6,: can be used for UART.

J3,J7,: can be used for ADC.

The pins decribe mapping to the Grove Cape for BeagleBone® Series board as show below:

Grove Interface Grove Pin A/D I²C UART BeagleBone® Pin BeagleBone® function
J1 1 SCL1 J8.17 gpio[5]/
2 SDA1 J8.18 gpio[4]/
J5 1 SCL2 J8.19 gpio[13]/
2 SDA2 J8.20 gpio[12]/
J2 1 RX1 J8.26 gpio[14]/
2 TX1 J8.24 gpio[15]/
J6 1 RX2 J8.22 gpio[2]/
2 TX2 J8.21 gpio[3]/
J3 1 AIN0 J8.39
2 AIN1 J8.40
J7 1 AIN2 J8.37
2 AIN3 J8.38

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