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Xadow - NFC Tag

Xadow - NFC Tag is a highly integrated Near Field Communication Tag module, this module is I2C interface, which base on M24LR64E-R,M24LR64E-R have a 64-bit unique identifier and 64 -Kbit EEPROM.Xadow - NFC Tag attach an independent PCB antenna which can easily stretch out of any enclosure you use, leaving more room for you to design the exterior of your project.


  • Working Voltage:5V or 3V3
  • Working Current<1mA
  • 2CM max effective range
  • Serve for contactless communication at 13.56MHz
  • ISO 15693 and ISO 18000-3 mode 1 compatible
  • 64-bit unique identifier (UID)
  • Read Block & Write (32-bit blocks)
  • I2C Interface


Read/Write by Mobile

  1. Download NfcV-reader for Androud and install it

  2. We can Read/Write it by Mobile

3.Place your phone close to a tag.

Control LED

  1. Download NfcV-reader for Android and install it

  2. Download NFC Tag Librename it to NFC_Tag_M24LR6E and put it into Arduino's library .

  3. Open Arduino IDE. If Arduino IDE is already opened, restart it.

  4. In Arduino IDE, click menus: File -> Example -> NFC_Tag_M24LR6E -> ledControl

  5. Now,you can control LED by you phone.

#include "NfcTag.h"
#include <Wire.h>

NfcTag nfcTag;
int led = 5;
bool flag = false;
bool preFlag = false;
void setup(){

void loop(){
flag = nfcTag.readByte(EEPROM_I2C_LENGTH-1) == 0xff?true:false;
if(flag != preFlag){
Serial.println("get remote NFC control signal!");
if(flag == true){
Serial.println("led will light up!");
Serial.println("led will turn dark!");
preFlag = flag;

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