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Bees Shield

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Bees_Shield will make interfacing multiple Bee-style (XBee, GPRS Bee, Bluetooth Bee and etc) easier than ever before. Aside from two Bee-style 20p 2.0 pitch sockets, it also has a large prototyping area, and a customizable software serial port for easier prototyping.

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v2.12Initial public releaseJune 08, 2010


  • Dual Bee type socket
  • 3 indicator LED(ON/Sleep, RSSI, ASSOC) for each Xbee
  • Full size with free drills
  • Reset button for each Xbee
  • Reset button for base board
  • Provide maximal 500mA under 3.3V
  • Full break out for each Bee
  • Switchable of communication with FTDI-USB /Base board

Hardware Overviewโ€‹

Platforms Supportedโ€‹

Getting Startedโ€‹

Work with Bee1โ€‹


  • Plug the Xbee module into the Bee 1 socket, setting the jumpers as below. We use Bee1 SoftwareSerial for communication.
Arduino PinsBee1 Pins
Digital Pin7Bee1_TX
Digital Pin8Bee1_RX
  • Plug Bees Shield into Arduino.
  • Connect Arduino to PC via a USB cable.


  • Copy and Upload the code to Ardunio.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(7, 8);

void setup() {
Serial.println("Goodnight moon!");

// set the data rate for the SoftwareSerial port
mySerial.println("Hello, world?");

void loop() {
// run over and over
if (mySerial.available())
if (Serial.available())

  • When it's uploaded, open the serial to monitor.

Work with Bee2โ€‹


  • Plug the RFbee module into the Bee 2 socket, toggle switch to USB side.
Toggle switch to the Atmega's side if you are not uploading a sketch to the Bee2. It does NOT work if the arduino is using ATmega168 โ€“ we need at least ATmega328 to pass serial communication through.
  • Plug Bees Shield into Arduino.
  • Connect Arduino to PC via a USB cable.


  • Please Copy and Upload the code to Ardunio to disable Uart0 port of Atmega IC first.
void setup() {

void loop() {}

Wireless Arduino programming with Bee2โ€‹


  • Solder the JP1 block on the board for wireless programming.
  • Plug Bees Shield into Arduino.


  • Download Xbee setting profile to transmitter Xbee by using X-CTU.
  • Let's use the wireless programming.

Expansion functionโ€‹

  • First we have to solder two 8-pin female headers and two 6-pin female headers on the Bees shield.
  • After the expansion we can insert small shield like music shield on the Bees shield and we can control it wirelessly.

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Tech Supportโ€‹

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