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Grove - IMU 9DOF(lcm20600+AK09918)


The Grove - IMU 9DOF (lcm20600+AK09918) is a 9 Degrees of Freedom IMU (Inertial measurement unit) which combines gyroscope, accelerometer and electronic compass. We use two chips LCM20600+AK09918 to implement those 3 functions.

The LCM20600 is a 6-axis MotionTracking device that combines a 3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer. Gyroscope is a device used for measuring or maintaining orientation and angular velocity, normally, we use it to measure spin and twist. Accelerometer is a device that measures proper acceleration.

The AK09918 is a 3-axis electronic compass IC with high sensitive Hall sensor technology. We use an electronic compass to measure the magnetic force, which can provide us with the direction information.

As its name suggests just use this single small module and you can measure 9 Degrees of Freedom: angular rotation in x/y/z axis, acceleration in x/y/z axis, and magnetic force in x/y/z axis.

What an amazing module! Just use this module to build your own motion and orientation system😄



  • 3-Axis Gyroscope with Programmable FSR of ±250 dps, ±500 dps, ±1000 dps, and ±2000 dps
  • 3-Axis Accelerometer with Programmable FSR of ±2g, ±4g, ±8g, and ±16g
  • 3-Axis Electronic Compass with 0.15 μT/LSB (typ.) sensitivity
  • User-programmable interrupts
  • 16-bit ADC resolution and Programmable Filters for acceleration measurements
  • 16-bit ADC resolution for magnetic measurements
  • 1 KB FIFO buffer enables the applications processor to read the data in bursts(LCM20600)
  • Embedded temperature sensor
  • Magnetic sensor overflow monitor function
  • Built-in oscillator for internal clock source


Operating voltage3.3V / 5V
Operating temperature-30°C to +85°C
Gyroscope Full-Scale Range±250 dps, ±500 dps, ±1000 dps, ±2000 dps
Gyroscope Sensitivity Scale Factor131 LSB/(dps)@±250 dps 65.5 LSB/(dps)@±500 dps 32.8 LSB/(dps)@±1000 dps 16.4 LSB/(dps)@±2000 dps
Accelerometer Full-Scale Range±2g, ±4g, ±8g, ±16g
Accelerometer Sensitivity Scale Factor16384 LSB/g@±2g / 8192 LSB/g@±4g / 4096 LSB/g@±8g / 2048 LSB/g@±16g
Magnetic sensor measurement range±4912μT (typical)
Magnetic sensor sensitivity0.15μT (typical)
I^2^C AddressLCM20600 / 0x69(default) / 0x68(optional) / AK09918 / 0x0C


  • Smartphones and Tablets
  • Wearable Sensors

Hardware Overview

Pin Out



    The default I2C address of LCM20600 is 0x69, you can change it to 0x68. The central pad is connected to the address wire, you can change the I2C address by cutting the wire and re-welding it. For the safety of you and others, please be careful with knife or welding gun you may use.




Since the operating voltage range of LCM20600 is 1.71V to 3.45V, and the operating voltage range of AK09918 is 1.65V to 1.95V, we use a power conversion chip XC6206P182MR to provide a stable 1.8V for both chips.

Bi-directional level shifter circuit


This is a typical Bi-directional level shifter circuit to connect two different voltage section of an I^2^C bus. The I2C bus of two chips use 1.8V, if the I2C bus of the Arduino use 5V or 3.3V, this circuit will be needed. In the schematic above, Q1 and Q2 are N-Channel MOSFET CJ2102, which act as a bidirectional switch. In order to better understand this part, you can refer to the AN10441

Platforms Supported

ArduinoRaspberry Pi



The platforms mentioned above as supported is/are an indication of the module's software or theoritical compatibility. We only provide software library or code examples for Arduino platform in most cases. It is not possible to provide software library / demo code for all possible MCU platforms. Hence, users have to write their own software library.

Getting Started

Play With Arduino


Materials required

Seeeduino V4.2Base ShieldGrove - IMU 9DOF




Get One NowGet One NowGet One Now
**1** Please plug the USB cable gently, otherwise you may damage the port. Please use the USB cable with 4 wires inside, the 2 wires cable can't transfer data. If you are not sure about the wire you have, you can click [here]( to buy

**2** Each Grove module comes with a Grove cable when you buy. In case you lose the Grove cable, you can click [here]( to buy.
  • Step 1. Connect the Grove - IMU 9DOF (lcm20600+AK09918) to port I^2^C of Grove-Base Shield.

  • Step 2. Plug Grove - Base Shield into Seeeduino.

  • Step 3. Connect Seeeduino to PC via a USB cable.


    If we don't have Grove Base Shield, We also can directly connect this module to Seeeduino as below.
SeeeduinoGrove - IMU 9DOF


    If this is the first time you work with Arduino, we strongly recommend you to see [Getting Started with Arduino]( before the start.
  • Step 1. Download the Grove - IMU 9DOF (lcm20600+AK09918) Library from Github.

  • Step 2. Refer to How to install library to install library for Arduino.

  • Step 3. Restart the Arduino IDE. Open the example, you can open it in the following three ways:

    1. Open it directly in the Arduino IDE via the path: File --> Examples --> Grove IMU 9DOF ICM20600 AK09918 --> compass.


    2. Open it in your computer by click the compass.ino which you can find in the folder XXXX\Arduino\libraries\Seeed_ICM20600_AK09918-master\examples\compass, XXXX is the location you installed the Arduino IDE.


    3. Or, you can just click the icon


      in upper right corner of the code block to copy the following code into a new sketch in the Arduino IDE.
#include "AK09918.h"
#include "ICM20600.h"
#include <Wire.h>

AK09918_err_type_t err;
int32_t x, y, z;
AK09918 ak09918;
ICM20600 icm20600(true);
int16_t acc_x, acc_y, acc_z;
int32_t offset_x, offset_y, offset_z;
double roll, pitch;
// Find the magnetic declination at your location
double declination_shenzhen = -2.2;

void setup()
// join I2C bus (I2Cdev library doesn't do this automatically)

err = ak09918.initialize();

err = ak09918.isDataReady();
while (err != AK09918_ERR_OK)
Serial.println("Waiting Sensor");
err = ak09918.isDataReady();

Serial.println("Start figure-8 calibration after 2 seconds.");
calibrate(10000, &offset_x, &offset_y, &offset_z);

void loop()
// get acceleration
acc_x = icm20600.getAccelerationX();
acc_y = icm20600.getAccelerationY();
acc_z = icm20600.getAccelerationZ();

Serial.print("A: ");
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.println(" mg");

Serial.print("G: ");
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.println(" dps");

ak09918.getData(&x, &y, &z);
x = x - offset_x;
y = y - offset_y;
z = z - offset_z;

Serial.print("M: ");
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.println(" uT");

// roll/pitch in radian
roll = atan2((float)acc_y, (float)acc_z);
pitch = atan2(-(float)acc_x, sqrt((float)acc_y*acc_y+(float)acc_z*acc_z));
Serial.print("Roll: ");
Serial.print("Pitch: ");

double Xheading = x * cos(pitch) + y * sin(roll) * sin(pitch) + z * cos(roll) * sin(pitch);
double Yheading = y * cos(roll) - z * sin(pitch);

double heading = 180 + 57.3*atan2(Yheading, Xheading) + declination_shenzhen;

Serial.print("Heading: ");



void calibrate(uint32_t timeout, int32_t *offsetx, int32_t *offsety, int32_t*offsetz)
int32_t value_x_min = 0;
int32_t value_x_max = 0;
int32_t value_y_min = 0;
int32_t value_y_max = 0;
int32_t value_z_min = 0;
int32_t value_z_max = 0;
uint32_t timeStart = 0;

ak09918.getData(&x, &y, &z);

value_x_min = x;
value_x_max = x;
value_y_min = y;
value_y_max = y;
value_z_min = z;
value_z_max = z;

timeStart = millis();

while((millis() - timeStart) < timeout)
ak09918.getData(&x, &y, &z);

/* Update x-Axis max/min value */
if(value_x_min > x)
value_x_min = x;
// Serial.print("Update value_x_min: ");
// Serial.println(value_x_min);

else if(value_x_max < x)
value_x_max = x;
// Serial.print("update value_x_max: ");
// Serial.println(value_x_max);

/* Update y-Axis max/min value */
if(value_y_min > y)
value_y_min = y;
// Serial.print("Update value_y_min: ");
// Serial.println(value_y_min);

else if(value_y_max < y)
value_y_max = y;
// Serial.print("update value_y_max: ");
// Serial.println(value_y_max);

/* Update z-Axis max/min value */
if(value_z_min > z)
value_z_min = z;
// Serial.print("Update value_z_min: ");
// Serial.println(value_z_min);

else if(value_z_max < z)
value_z_max = z;
// Serial.print("update value_z_max: ");
// Serial.println(value_z_max);



*offsetx = value_x_min + (value_x_max - value_x_min)/2;
*offsety = value_y_min + (value_y_max - value_y_min)/2;
*offsetz = value_z_min + (value_z_max - value_z_min)/2;
    There are 3 demos in the library:  
>This example shows how to get gyroscope and acceleration data from ICM20600.

>This example shows how to get magnetic data from AK09918.

>This example gets magnetic data and acceleration data, to count pitch and roll, and make a compass application.
  • Step 4. Upload the demo. If you do not know how to upload the code, please check How to upload code.

  • Step 5. Open the Serial Monitor of Arduino IDE by click Tool-> Serial Monitor. Or tap the ++ctrl+shift+m++ key at the same time. Set the baud rate to 9600.

 If every thing goes well, when you open the Serial Monitor, the notice will pop up--*Start figure-8 calibration after 2 seconds.*  Which means in order to calibrate this module, you should move it and draw the number 8 trajectory in the air. When the "......." appears, you can start your calibration.
Start figure-8 calibration after 2 seconds.
A: -362, -205, 738 mg
G: -45, 12, -1 dps
M: -6, -23, -33 uT
Roll: -15.53
Pitch: 25.30
Heading: 23.99
A: -269, 583, 61 mg
G: 102, 377, -2 dps
M: 18, -21, -18 uT
Roll: 84.03
Pitch: 24.65
Heading: 215.58
A: -495, 229, 37 mg
G: -43, -231, 201 dps
M: 7, -30, 6 uT
Roll: 80.83
Pitch: 64.90
Heading: 21.76

    As you can see, the result of compass example includes three parameter: roll, pitch and Heading. There are the terminology of **[Euler angles](**(click to check more information).

Fuction table

initialize()Initialize the chip LCM20600, by default: the measurement range of gyroscope is ±2000 dps / the measurement range of accelerometer is ±16g
setGyroScaleRange(gyro_scale_type_t range)After the initialization, you can set the gyroscope range to meet your own needs, the parameter gyro_scale_type_t range list: RANGE_250_DPS / RANGE_500_DPS / RANGE_1K_DPS / RANGE_2K_DPS / e.g. / icm20600.setGyroScaleRange(RANGE_1K_DPS); / this code line will change the gyroscope measurement range to ±1000dps
setAccScaleRange(acc_scale_type_t range)After the initialization, you can set the accelerometer range to meet your own needs, the parameter acc_scale_type_t range list: RANGE_2G / RANGE_4G / RANGE_8G / RANGE_16G / e.g. / icm20600.setAccScaleRange(RANGE_8G); / this code line will change the accelerometer measurement range to ±8g
getGyroscope(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t* z))You can use this function to get the gyroscope X/Y/Z 3-axis data at the same time, and the unit of the data is dps
getGyroscopeX(void) getGyroscopeY(void) getGyroscopeZ(void)Or, you can get the gyroscope X/Y/Z 3-axis data separately by using those three functions, and the unit of the data is dps
getRawGyroscopeX(void) getRawGyroscopeX(void) getRawGyroscopeX(void)Those three functions get the raw data directly from the register of ICM20600 without convert the data unit to dps
getAcceleration(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t* z)You can use this function to get the X/Y/Z 3-axis acceleration at the same time, and the unit of the data is mg
getAccelerationX(void) getAccelerationY(void) getAccelerationZ(void)Or, you can get the X/Y/Z 3-axis acceleration separately by using those three functions, and the unit of the data is mg
getRawAccelerationX(void) getRawAccelerationY(void) getRawAccelerationZ(void)Those three functions get the raw data directly from the register of ICM20600 without convert the data unit to mg
getTemperature(void)You ca use this function to get the temperature
getData(int32_t axis_x, int32_t axis_y, int32_t *axis_z)You can use this function to get the magnetic force of 3-axis.

Schematic Online Viewer



This is the introduction Video of this product, simple demos, you can have a try.

Tech Support

Please do not hesitate to submit the issue into our forum.

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