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Plex Media Server


This guide explains how to set up Plex Media Server as a Docker container on Seeed OpenWrt firmware. By using Plex Media Server, you can stream all your local media files from anywhere in the world! Here OpenWrt can run on the ODYSSEY – X86 Board or the Dual Gigabit Ethernet Carrier Board for Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4.

Note: Make sure to follow the OpenWrt getting started guide before going through this guide.

What is Docker?

Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. Docker provides the ability to package and run an application in a loosely isolated environment called a container. The isolation and security allow you to run many containers simultaneously on a given host. Containers are lightweight and contain everything needed to run the application, so you do not need to rely on what is currently installed on the host. You can easily share containers while you work, and be sure that everyone you share with gets the same container that works in the same way.


What is Plex Media Server?

Plex Media Server is a tool that allows you to access the music, pictures, and videos stored on one device with many other devices. You can install Plex Media Server software on a Windows, Mac, or Linux computer, network-attached storage (NAS) device or even a router. You can stream all your media files stored on your Plex Media Server remotely over the internet and access from anywhere in the world using the Plex app.


Plex Media Server on Docker

Now let's go through the process of running Plex Media Server as a Docker container on OpenWrt.

Create a Plex Account

First of all, we need to have a Plex account

  • Step 1. Click this link to visit the Plex website

  • Step 2. Click Sign Up and create a new Plex account


Attach External Storage to Store the Media

Now we need to attach external storage drives to expand the storage on X86 and CM4 boards so that we can store all our media.

ODYSSEY - X86J4125 has a number of storage options such as:

  • PCIe SSD
  • Micro-SD Card
  • USB Flash Drives


Dual Gigabit Ethernet Carrier Board for Raspberry Pi CM4 has various storage options such as:

  • USB Flash Drives
  • Micro-SD Card
  • USB Expansion via 9-Pin Header


You can attach any external storage of your choice by referring to the above storage options.

Mount the External Storage on OpenWrt

After attaching an external storage device we need to mount it so that we can use it

  • Step 1. Open a web browser and log in to the OpenWrt device


Note: We have previously configured as the IP address to log in to OpenWrt. So you can type this IP address in the web browser

  • Step 2. Navigate to System > Disk Man and you will see the storage drives attached to the OpenWrt device


  • Step 3. Under the attached storage drive, click EDIT

  • Step 4. Under Partitions Info, remove all partitions by clicking REMOVE next to the partition

  • Step 5. Under Device Info, select GPT for the Partition Table

  • Step 6. Under Partitions Info, click NEW to create a partition

  • Step 7. Under the newly created partition, click FORMAT, choose ext4 and click FORMAT to format the partition

  • Step 8. Navigate to System > Disk Man again

  • Step 9. Under Mount Point, choose the partition that we created before

  • Step 10. Leave File system as auto

  • Step 11. Under Mount Options type rw to allow read and write access to this partition

  • Step 12. Under Mount Point type /plex and click MOUNT to mount the partition


Create Plex Media Server Docker Container

Now let's create the plex media server docker container

  • Step 1. In OpenWrt Luci interface, navigate to Docker > Images

  • Step 2. Under Pull Image type linuxserver/plex and click PULL to download the Plex Media Server Docker image


Note: Wait a few seconds until the image is downloaded

  • Step 3. Navigate to Docker > Containers and click ADD


  • Step 4. Click on COMMAND LINE and enter the following:
docker run \
-d \
--name plex \
--network=host \
-e TZ=<enter timezone> \
-e PLEX_CLAIM=<enter claimToken> \
-v /plex/database:/config \
-v /plex/temp:/transcode \
-v /plex/media:/data \

Note: To obtain the timezone, visit this link and copy the TZ database name. To obtain the claimToken, visit this link and copy/ paste the token.

  • Step 5. Finally click SUBMIT

Run and Set up Plex Media Server

  • Step 1. Now you will see the container listed. Click on the checkbox and click START to run the container


  • Step 2. Type to open the Plex Media Server initial set up

Note: 32400 is the port where the Plex docker container is running.

  • Step 3. Type a Server name and click NEXT

  • Step 4. Under Organize Media, click ADD LIBRARY

  • Step 5. Select the library type and click NEXT

  • Step 6. Click BROWSE FOR MEDIA FOLDER, select the data folder and click ADD LIBRARY

Note: As we have configured before, the data folder inside the plex container is linked with the /plex/media folder on OpenWrt

  • Step 7. Click NEXT and then DONE to finish the initial set up.

Now you will see the Plex Media Server user interface


Mount Plex Directory on the PC and Transfer the Media

After the external storage mounted before, now we need to mount /plex directory on the PC so that it can be accessed easily.

  • Step 1. In OpenWrt Luci interface, navigate to Services > Network Shares

  • Step 2. Under Shared Directories, click ADD


  • Step 3. Fill the row according to the following:

      - name: Plex 
    - Path: /plex
    - Browse-able: ticked
    - Force Root: ticked
    - Allow guests: ticked
    - Create mask: 0666
    - Directory mask: 0777

Note: Here name field can be anything of your choice. Force Root is enabled to allow root access to this folder.

  • Step 4. Click SAVE and then click SAVE & APPLY

  • Step 5. Go to File Explorer on the PC and click Network

  • Step 6. Navigate to OpenWrt > plex > media and copy all the media inside this directory


Play the Media on Plex Client Applications

Now you can use the Plex Client applications to view all your media inside the Plex Media Server. The Plex app can be installed on various devices such as mobile phones, PCs, smart TVs, etc...

Visit this link to view supported devices so that you can install the Plex app on them.


Now you can navigate to the Plex Client App, log in, and stream all your movies, music, pictures and other media stored on the Plex Media Server!

Turn an Ordinary TV into a Smart TV to Run Plex

It is very convenient to stream media such as movies from your Plex Media Server by using a Smart TV at home. You need a smart TV because the Plex app can be installed if the TV has an app store. However, if you have an ordinary TV, you can turn it into a smart TV by using a Raspberry Pi!


You can follow this link to learn more!


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